The hardest part of solving a problem is figuring out what the real problem is!
Why spend thousands or millions of dollars in strenuous consulting services where expensive consultants bill you hourly just to find out what your problems are, when you can discover them by yourself?
OA-Hub lets you see what you regularly don't see.
Finac Analytics is the creator of OA-Hub a product designed to aid organizations in becoming effective in the actions taken to solve problems and take advantage of opportunities. OA-Hub is based on solid network and analytical principles. Our offer includes the consulting services as well as the analytical and graphical platform.
The logic of our technology is based on network models, and analytical and statistical tools. Our vision is to allow companies to see what they normally do not see, giving protagonism to the way work happens, how intangible assets play crucial roles, how culture takes place, and how components of intellectual capital interact to create value. Our physical technology is based on graph databases, and interactive, easy to use and understand, dashboards and drill-down capabilities.